Do you have industrial fans in your building or warehouse? How do you know when it’s time to replace them?
Industrial fans can wear out over the years thanks to corrosion, debris and dust build-up. Their performance goes from “perfect” to “okay,” and then you’re left wondering, “Are they still doing their job?”
If the cost to repair a fan is exorbitantly high, it might be time to just replace that fan with a newer version. If the old fan is a safety hazard, then it’s time to replace it with a new and improved one.
So what are some signs you might need to replace your industrial fan(s)?
If you notice too much noise or not enough noise from a fan, that’s an issue. It could be misaligned or damaged. It might have a loose shaft or bearing. There could be problems with the belt drive. If the fan’s not moving any longer, you could have blown fuses, broken belts, loose pulleys, seized bearings, etc.
Maybe the impeller was installed backwards or you’ve got an incorrect blade angle setting? What about a clogged inlet? Maybe the inlet vane/damper was incorrectly set. Sometimes fans were improperly installed or maintained such that they’ve worn themselves out over time and it just makes sense to replace them rather than repair them.
If a fan is vibrating too much, maybe the fan impeller isn’t properly balanced… or the motor and sheaves… It could also be a structural or mechanical problem.
When your industrial fans(s) need replacing, who can you call? Dynamic Fan is the company to call– 973-244-2422! Located in Pine Brook, New Jersey, Dynamic Fan offers commercial and industrial grade fans for sale in the New York City area, Scranton (PA) as well as New Jersey. Repairs and retrofits are also offered, and on site service is available. Basically, if you have fan needs, Dynamic Fan is the company to call.